Privacy Policy

When you visit BookNextTrip, we are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy. You don’t need to reveal any personal information to explore and use does not gather personal data about people, such as names and email addresses, unless the person voluntarily provides it and accepts the terms under which will use it.

Before using this website, please carefully read this privacy statement. You accept and agree to be bound by the Privacy Policy by using the Website or by clicking the button to accept or agree to the Terms of Use when it is made available to you. You are not permitted to access or use the Website if you disagree with the Privacy Policy.

Our Promise of Protecting Children’s Privacy

We place a high value on the privacy of the very young. Because of this, we don’t gather or keep information on our sites from people we know to be under the age of 18, and no area of our website is designed to draw in visitors from that age. You should not use this website or any of its features if you are under the age of eighteen. You should also not register on the website, make any purchases there, use any of the interactive or public comment features, or give us any personal information about you, including your name, address, phone number, email address, or screen name or user name.

We shall remove any personal information we may have obtained or acquired from a kid under the age of 18 without first obtaining proof of parental consent. Please email us if you think we may have any information from or about a child under the age of 18.

Information Disclosure

Your personal information won’t be traded, sold, or rented by to outside parties. We don’t automatically record personal information or associate information automatically recorded by other methods with personal information pertaining to particular people. IP addresses may be used by us to manage the website, gather and deliver aggregate data about our visitors and traffic trends. IP addresses and personally identifying information are unrelated. We only gather the personal information you voluntarily provide when using our services. We do not obtain visitor information from other sources, including private organizations or public records.

Details We Gather About You

The Company will obtain certain information about you during your visit to the Website. As a company, we get personal information from you in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Name and email address for newsletter opt-ins.
  • Your email address and name are on waiting lists.
  • Transactions: Your name, billing details, email address, and method of payment.
  • Name, email address, and comment are all required fields. Please be aware that by leaving a remark on this website or in our forum, you allow any Personal Information you enter to be posted. You should be aware that other users of these public places may be able to read, collect, or utilize this kind of Personal Information. Regarding how our visitors use your Personal Information, we have no control.

The following are some possible uses for the data we gather:

  • To run and maintain this website; to enhance your visitation here;
  • In reply to your remarks;
  • In order to offer you user assistance;
  • Fulfill your requests for information, goods, and services, handle transactions, and provide you pertinent data, such as receipts and confirmations;
  • Provide you with administrative and support messages, security alerts, updates, and technical notices;
  • Inform you about the Company’s and other companies’ events, promotions, incentives, surveys, offers, and products; additionally, we will send you news and information we believe you’ll find interesting;
  • Track and evaluate usage patterns, trends, and activities related to our services;
  • Enhance and personalize the Services by matching user profiles with adverts, information, or features.


Our website uses conventional technologies called “cookies” and server logs, much like other commercial websites, to gather data about how our site is used. Your IP address, the date and time of visits, the pages viewed, the amount of time spent on our website, and the websites you visited immediately before and right after ours are among the data collected by cookies and server logs.

A cookie is a little text document that frequently has a unique, anonymous identification. The website’s computer requests permission from your computer to store this file in a location on your hard drive set aside just for cookies whenever you visit that website. If you have enabled cookies in your browser, each website has the ability to send its own cookie to it.

Third-Party Cookie Usage

Third parties, such as advertisers, ad networks and servers, content providers, and application providers, serve some of the content and applications on the website, including adverts. These third parties may gather data about you when you visit our website using cookies by themselves or in combination with web beacons or other tracking technologies. They might gather data about your online actions over time, across several websites and other online services, and they might link the information they gather to your personal information. They might use this data to provide you targeted content or interest-based (behavioral) advertisements.

Data Security

We use commercially reasonable techniques to guarantee the security of the data you give us and the data we automatically gather. This entails sticking to accepted security procedures and collaborating exclusively with reliable third-party vendors. Email is not regarded as a secure communication channel. We so ask that you refrain from emailing us any private information. You are free to do so, though, at your own risk. A secure protocol called Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL, may be used to transport part of the data you enter on our website. Email is never used to send sensitive information, such as credit card numbers.

For the purpose of evaluating the quantity of visitors to the various sections of our website, identifying technical design specifications, identifying problem areas or system performance, and determining what information is most and least interesting, the Company may employ software programs to generate summary statistics.

In order to maintain site security and guarantee that this service is accessible to all users, the Company employs software applications that track network traffic in order to spot efforts by unauthorized parties to upload data, alter it, or do other harm.